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What a fun ride around the country with COX and WIT'S END PRODUCTIONS! 34x34
Back in January, our good friends at WIT'S END PRODUCTIONS reached out to
PACK30 PRODUCTIONS about helping them with a BIG OLE' project for COX. And of course we jumped all over it. The project?
34x34 - ACT TO IMPACT!
COX is striving to impact 34 million lives by 2034. They want to help 34 million folks live a better, healthier life that will ultimately make the future a brighter place. Now how cool is that!?!
From Orange County, CA to Burlington, VT... we hit 9 different cities around this great country to spread the word. And man was it a blast! Thanks WIT'S END PRODUCTIONS and COX.

We have moved... (ok... we moved back in February and are now just getting around to blogging about it) and our awards are coming with us.
Hard to believe it is almost the end of 2021. I mean. We have powered through another unusual one... and we are still standing.
PACK30 PRODUCTIONS decided to move our offices to the other side of highway 400 and we have set up shop in the same building at our #1 client - COMPASS ONE HEALTHCARE. They offered us some SWEEEEET space and helped us build out a great studio! Boom. What a fantastic marriage.
We are lovin' it here and our studio is ready to rock-n-roll!
We also picked up 4 more killer awards this year. 2 Communicator Awards along with 2 more Telly Awards! (we might need more shelves)

It is Spring 2020 & it has been a minute (ok a year) since our last BLOG. So -
First and foremost, we here at PACK30 PRODUCTIONS, hope everyone is staying safe and doing their part to help stop the spread of Covid-19. Times are tough, no doubt, but WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS ALL! #wewillgetthroughthis
On the business front, we have stayed busy working with our biggest client - COMPASS ONE HEALTHCARE. They are on the front lines of the hospitals cleaning the rooms and serving food to the patients and caregivers. It has been an honor to work with them during this time. They are a FISRT CLASS operation - top to bottom.
Speaking of COMPASS ONE HEALTHCARE - we recently learned that PACK30 PRODUCTIONS received a prestigious TELLY AWARD for the MORRISON JEOPARDY video we produced for them. Our owner / EP - Tommy Kane, hosted the video as well as produced it. #TELLYAWARD
We also received another COMMUNICATOR AWARD for the COMPASS ONE CONNECTIONS podcast we produce for them. The episode that won featured CEO, Bobby Kuetth and was hosted by Tommy Kane.
Earlier this year, we welcomed VERINT to our team of clients as well. We had SO much fun writing and producing 3 funny videos for their national conference. From a couples therapy session to a hilarious coach (names Coach Coach) we were able to get their message across with some good humor tied in. VERINT was great to work with and we look forward to working with them again in the near future!

And the award goes to... (cue drum roll)
PACK30 PRODUCTIONS is super jacked to announce that we have won 2 prestigious COMMUNICATOR AWARDS for the work we have done with our teammate - Compass One Healthcare.
We received one for the 80 (yes 80!) training videos we cranked out over the past 2 years. It was a huge project... and awesome to receive recognition for the effort!
PACK30 PRODUCTIONS also took home an award for the new COMPASS ONE CONNECTIONS podcast that we produce and ... it is hosted by Tommy Kane - our owner/EP. This one was a thrill to receive, since this was the first time we cranked out a podcast! (it won't be the last...) Big thanks to COMPASS ONE HEALTHCARE and the communications team for believing in us and for just being an awesome teammate.

2019... so far we are painting the town red.
We picked up a colorful new client... Sherwin Williams! Their VP of Sales in the Central Area reached out to PACK30 PRODUCTIONS to crank out an energetic / "get the sales team fired up" video. By using some hard hitting music and matching graphics, along with some great play calls from huge moments in sports... we were able to deliver.

So hard to believe it is almost the end of July! Wow. We continue to crank out top notch training videos, CEO VLOGs, sizzle reels, etc. for our great client Compass One Healthcare. What an awesome company to work with. And... it looks like another super fun MOE's video could be on the horizon as well. WE HAVE THE COOLEST CLIENTS/TEAMMATES!
But like the grass in the front yard... PACK30 PRODUCTIONS is looking to grow during these summer days. New clients are always welcome to join the roster. (Enthusiastic clients only please.) Contact us to join the fun!

We here at PACK30 PRODUCTIONS never get tired of hearing that... or eating MOE's amazing food.
We have been teammates with the awesome MOE's training and learning team for over 5 years now... and it just rocks! We recently wrapped up a cool video showing their associates (or Roadies as they like to call them) how to "walk in the customer's shoes" and see the restaurant as they do... when it comes to cleanliness.
A little POV action along with some sweet red Chuck Taylor's... and a lil' salsa here and there... and we made one clean video.

PACK30 PRODUCTIONS is rockin' and rollin'! We just
wrapped up 12 more training videos for our client Morrison
Healthcare. ( To date, we have
completed 34 of the 100 ordered! We got a long way to go... but it is a super fun and easy ride when you have teammates like Morrison Healthcare.
Also, we are preppin' for another awesome project with Moe's Southwest Grill! We love working with the Moe's team... and the free burritos that come along with the work don't hurt either!
Oh... and it is football season. Sounds like a win win all the away around!

PACK30 PRODUCTIONS is excited to add the prestigious financial firm of GREENE CONSULTING to our roster of teammates! We look forward to crankin' out some top notch videos with them over the coming months.
We are pumped to announce that PACK30 PRODUCTIONS just won 5 prestigous TELLY AWARDS!
We received 3 for the work with did with our amazing client, MORRISON HEALTHCARE! And took home 2 with our super fun client, MOE's SOUTHWEST GRILL!
Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions, and web commercials, videos and films. The Telly Awards annually showcases the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world. The Telly Awards is a widely known and highly respected national and international competition and received over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents.

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